We propose that AI companies make simple policy changes to protect good faith research on their models, and promote safety, security, and trustworthiness of AI systems. We, the undersigned, represent members of the AI, legal, and policy communities with diverse expertise and interests. We agree on three things:
- Independent evaluation is necessary for public awareness, transparency, and accountability of
high impact generative AI systems.
Hundreds of millions of people have used generative AI in the last two years. It promises immense benefits, but also serious risks related to bias, alleged copyright infringement, and non-consensual intimate imagery. AI companies, academic researchers, and civil society agree that generative AI systems pose notable risks and that independent evaluation of these risks is an essential form of accountability. - Currently, AI companies’ policies can chill independent evaluation.
While companies’ terms of service deter malicious use, they also offer no exemption for independent good faith research, leaving researchers at risk of account suspension or even legal reprisal. Whereas security research on traditional software has established voluntary protections from companies (“safe harbors”), clear norms from vulnerability disclosure policies, and legal protections from the DOJ, trustworthiness and safety research on AI systems has few such protections. Independent evaluators fear account suspension (without an opportunity for appeal) and legal risks, both of which can have chilling effects on research. While some AI companies now offer researcher access programs, which we applaud, the structure of these programs allows companies to select their own evaluators. This is complementary, rather than a substitute, for the full range of diverse evaluations that might otherwise take place independently. - AI companies should provide basic protections and more equitable access for good faith AI safety
and trustworthiness research.
Generative AI companies should avoid repeating the mistakes of social media platforms, many of which have effectively banned types of research aimed at holding them accountable, with the threat of legal action, cease-and-desist letters, or other methods to impose chilling effects on research. In some cases, generative AI companies have already suspended researcher accounts and even changed their terms of service to deter some types of evaluation (discussed here). Disempowering independent researchers is not in AI companies’ own interests. To help protect users, we encourage AI companies to provide two levels of protection to research. - First, a legal safe harbor would indemnify good faith independent AI safety, security, and trustworthiness research, provided it is conducted in accordance with well-established vulnerability disclosure rules.
- Second, companies should commit to more equitable access, by using independent reviewers to moderate researchers’ evaluation applications, which would protect rule-abiding safety research from counterproductive account suspensions, and mitigate the concern of companies selecting their own evaluators.
While these basic commitments will not solve every issue surrounding responsible AI today, it is an important first step on the long road towards building and evaluating AI in the public interest.
Additional reading on these ideas: a safe harbor for AI evaluation (by letter authors), algorithmic bug bounties, and credible third-party audits. (Signatures are for this letter, not the further reading.)
List of Letter Signers:
Currently: 350+
- Arvind Narayanan
Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy, Professor, Princeton University - Julia Angwin
Editor-in-chief, Proof News - Mark Surman
President, Mozilla - Marietje Schaake
International Policy Fellow, Stanford HAI - Clem Delangue
Co-Founder & CEO at Hugging Face - Percy Liang
Associate Professor, Stanford University - Renee DiResta
Research Manager, Stanford Internet Observatory - Yejin Choi
Wissner-Slivka Chair of Computer Science, University of Washington / AI2 - Suresh Venkatasubramanian
Professor, Brown University - Dhanaraj Thakur
Research Director, Center for Democracy & Technology - Deb Raji
Mozilla Fellow, UC Berkeley - Nate Persily
James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Stanford University - Rebekah Tromble
Director of the Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics, Associate Professor, George Washington University - Ethan Zuckerman
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Daniel Ho
William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Stanford University - Gary Marcus
Professor Emeritus, NYU - Alex “Sandy” Pentland
Director of MIT Connection Science, Professor, MIT - Stella Biderman
Executive Director, EleutherAI - Yacine Jernite
ML and Society Lead, Hugging Face - Dawn Song
co-Director of UC Berkeley Center on Responsible Decentralized Intelligence (RDI), Professor, UC Berkeley - Brendan Nyhan
James O. Freedman Presidential Professor, Dartmouth College - Rob Reich
McGregor-Girand Professor of Social Ethics of Science and Technology, Institute for Human Centered AI, Stanford University - Seth Lazar
Professor, Australian National University - Justin Hendrix
Adjunct Professor, NYU - Subhabrata Majumdar
President, AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance - Francois Heinderyckx
Full Professor, Université libre de Bruxelles – ULB - Filippo Menczer
Distinguished Luddy Professor and Director of Observatory on Social Media, Indiana University - Caitlin Watkins
Executive Director, Observatory on Social Media, Indiana University - Peter Henderson
Assistant Professor, Princeton University - Diyi Yang
Assistant Professor, Stanford University
- Susan Aaronson
Research Professor, co-PI NSF-NIST Trustworthy AI Institute for Law and Society, and Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub - Dr. Emma L. Briant
Associate Professor, Monash University - Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut - Christopher Bail
Professor, Duke University - Weijie Su
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania - Henry Tuck
Director of Digital Policy, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) - Dylan Hadfield-Menell
Assistant Professor, MIT - Daniel Kang
Assistant Professor, UIUC - David Epstein
Executive Director of the Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy, Questrom School of Business, Boston University - Michael Zimmer
Director of the Center for Data, Ethics, and Society, Professor, Marquette University - Ruoxi Jia
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech - Steven L. Johnson
Associate Professor of Commerce, University of Virginia - Camille François
Columbia University School of International & Public Affairs - Joshua Introne
Assistant Professor, Syracuse University - Ben Snyder
Associate Professor of Sociology, Williams College - Yoon Kim
Assistant Professor, MIT - J. Nathan Matias
Assistant Professor, Cornell University - Patricia Alessandrini
Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) - Michael Best
Executive Director of the Institute for People and Technology, Georgia Tech - Andy Sellars
Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Boston University - Chaowei Xiao
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison - Stephan Lewandowsky
Professor, University of Bristol - Michael A. Specter
Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech - Aditi Raghunathan
Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University - Jacob Steinhardt
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley - Andrew Davis
Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University - Jekaterina Novikova
Science Lead, AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance - Nathan Lambert
Allen Institute for AI - Jess Reia
Assistant Professor, University of Virginia - Aleksandra Korolova
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs, Princeton University - Avijit Ghosh
Applied Policy Researcher, Hugging Face - David Evans
Professor of Computer Science, University of Virginia - Zeerak Talat
Research Fellow, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence - Heidi Saas
Data Privacy and Technology Attorney, H.T. Saas, LLC - Sabhanaz Rashid Diya
Executive Director, Tech Global Institute - Zining Zhu
Assistant Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology - Atoosa Kasirzadeh
Assistant Professor, University of Edinburgh - Dennis P. Maloney
Professor, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - Rose Jackson
Director, Democracy & Tech Initiative, The Atlantic Council’s DFRLab - Kevin Crowston
Professor, Syracuse University - Vivek Srikumar
Associate Professor, University of Utah - Florian Tramèr
Assistant Professor, ETH Zurich - Jessica Newman
Director of the AI Security Initiative and Co-Director of the AI Policy Hub, UC Berkeley - Robin Crockett
Academic Integrity Lead, University of Northampton - Ted Lechterman
Assistant Professor, IE University - Willem Zuidema
Associate Professor NLP & XAI, University of Amsterdam - Tanu Mitra
Assistant Professor, University of Washington - Jordi Weinstock
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society - Anjana Susarla
Professor, Michigan State University - Lianwen Jin
Professor, Director of DLVC Lab, South China University of Technology - Brian Canada
Chair, Dept. of Computer Science and Professor of Computational Science, University of South Carolina Beaufort - Shannon Vallor
Baillie Gifford Professor of Ethics of Data and AI, The University of Edinburgh - Tanya de Villiers-Botha
Senior Lecturer: Philosophy; Head: Unit for the Ethics of Technology, Centre for Applied Ethics, Stellenbosch University - Laura Czerniewicz
Professor Emerita, University of Cape Town - Robert van Rooij
Director Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam - Brandon Silverman
Knight Fellow, George Washington’s Institute for Data, Democracy and Politics - Gerard de Melo
Professor, Hasso Plattner Institute / University of Potsdam - Joshua Tucker
Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Social Media and Politics, New York University - Rajendra Akerkar
Professor, Western Norway Research Institute - Sebastain Gould
Adjunct Faculty, University of Denver - Laura Alonso Alemany
Professor, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina - Adam Lopez
Reader (Associate Professor), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh - Nathanael Fast
Director, USC Neely Center for Ethical Leadership and Decision Making - Marie desJardins
Retired AI researcher, professor, and dean - Svetlana Bodrunova
Professor and Head of Center for International Media Research - Tiffany Roman
Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, Kennesaw State University - Sarita Schoenebeck
Associate Professor, University of Michigan - Meredith L. Pruden
Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University - Alice E. Marwick
Associate Professor, UNC Chapel Hill / Princeton University - Eun-Ju Lee
Director, Center for Trustworthy AI - Lewis A Riley
Professor, Ursinus College - Maria Savona
Professor, Science Policy Research Unit, university of Sussex and Dpt of Economics Luiss - Marten Risius
Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland; incoming Professor, University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm - Jacob Metcalf
Data & Society - Gillian Hadfield
Schwartz Reisman Chair in Technology and Society, University of Toronto - H. Siegfried Stiehl
Prof. (ret.) Dr.-Ing., Universität Hamburg - Francesco Ferrero
Director, IT for Innovative Services Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - Anand Anandalingam
Ralph J Tyser Professor of Management Science, University of Maryland - David A. Broniatowski
Associate Professor, The George Washington University - Einar Iván Monroy Gutiérrez
CEO-Investigador, ETHIA-UNAD - Weiyan Shi
Stanford & Assistant Professor, Northeastern University - Aviya Skowron
EleutherAI - Shayne Longpre
MIT - Sayash Kapoor
Princeton University - Kevin Klyman
Stanford University - Ashwin Ramaswami
Georgetown University - Yangsibo Huang
Princeton University - Zheng-Xin Yong
Brown University - Yi Zeng
Virginia Tech - Alex Robey
University of Pennsylvania - Borhane Blili-Hamelin
AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance - Patrick Chao
University of Pennsylvania - Reid Southen
Independent Artist & Researcher - Hailey Schoelkopf
EleutherAI - Luca Soldaini
Allen Institute for AI - Xiangyu Qi
Princeton University - Boyi Wei
Princeton University - Tianyu Pang
Sea AI Lab - Chao Du
Sea AI Lab - Robert Mahari
MIT - Helen Oliver
Birkbeck, University of London - Tobin South
MIT - Mintong Kang
UIUC - Suyash Fulay
MIT - Naana Obeng-Marnu
MIT - Suhas Kotha
Carnegie Mellon University - Nathan Butters
AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance - Madhu Srikumar
- Jad Kabbara
MIT - William Brannon
MIT - Tinghao Xie
Princeton University - Chejian Xu
UIUC - Elinor Poole-Dayan
MIT - Stephen Casper
MIT - Carol Anderson
AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance - Shrestha Mohanty
MIT - Ekin Akyürek
MIT - Tarcizio Silva
Mozilla Foundation - Alia ElKattan
NYU - Connie Moon Sehat
Hacks/Hackers - Ed Newton-Rex
Fairly Trained - Nathan Sanders
Harvard Berkman Klein Center - Kaili Lambe
Accountable Tech - Nathan Lile
CEO, SynthLabs.ai - Luke Neumann
CEO of Overlai - Tom Gruber
Founder, Humanistic AI - Jonas Kgomo
Founder, Equiano Institute - Marie-Therese Png
Oxford Internet Institute - Georgia Bullen
CEO, Superbloom Design - Christie Lawrence
Stanford University & Harvard University - Annika Thomas
MIT - Tony Wang
PhD Student, MIT - Dominic Lees
Associate Professor, University of Reading, Synthetic Media Research Network. - Markus Krebsz
Founding Director, The Human AI Institute / Honorary Professor, Stirling University (UK) / Clinical Professor of Practice, Woxsen University (India) - David D. Jensen
Professor, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst - François Pelletier
Independant consultant, Je valide ça, service-conseil - Kirtan Padh
CEO, AI Transparency Institute - Amanda O’Mara
Cyber Training Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati - Logan Kirkland
Founder & CEO, Azoth Corp - Paul Ekwere
Senior Manager, Data Innovation & AI @ BDO LLP UK - Tan Zhi Xuan
MIT - David Evan Harris
Chancellor’s Public Scholar, University of California, Berkeley - Patrick Boehler
Principal, Gazzetta - Leon Derczynski
IT University of Copenhagen - Chandra Mouli Mudumba
Director of Product - pxiaoer
AIPwn.org CEO - Doug Beeferman
MIT - Enrique Chaparro
Security Research Coordinator, Fundación Vía Libre - Wayne Snyder
Boston University Computer Science - Gilles Moyse
CEO, reciTAL - Avijit Ghosh
Applied Policy Researcher, ML & Society, Hugging Face - Alice Oh
Professor, KAIST - Jonathan Richard Schwarz
Research Fellow, Harvard University - Neil Turkewitz
Artist Advocate #CreateDontScrape - Aaron Horowitz
Head of Analytics, American Civil Liberties Union - Matthew Kenney
Independent Researcher - Maksym Andriushchenko
PhD student at EPFL - Beni Beeri Issembert
Head of AI Research and Ethics at Metaphysic LTD - Rebecca Balebako
Founder, Balebako Privacy Engineer - Leonard Tang
CEO, Haize Labs - Khoa Lam
Chief Product Officer, BABL AI Inc. - Sundaraparipurnan Narayanan
Advisor and Researcher, AI ethics and governance - Sev Geraskin
CTO / Co-Founder - Afreen Saulat
Director – 100kicks - Jacob Sanders
Creative Director/Professional Musician - Jorge Diego Hernandez Medina
Principal ML Engineer, Encora - Charles Foster
Lead AI Scientist, Finetune - Thomas Gouritin
CEO, tomg conseils - Roberto Lopez-Davila
Government attorney - Kweku Opoku-Agyemang
CEO and Chief Scientist, Machine Learning X Doing - Chris Graziul
Research Assistant Professor, University of Chicago - Florian Zimmermeister
AI @ PrimeLine - Sarah Fouts
Librarian, Columbus State Community Colege - Krystal Jackson
Non-Resident Research Fellow, UC Berkeley CLTC - Tania Duarte
Founder, We and AI - Koen Versmissen
Owner, Expertisecentrum Data-Ethiek - Morgan Klaus Scheuerman
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Colorado Boulder - Javier Rando
PhD Student, ETH Zurich - Edoardo Debenedetti
PhD Student, ETH Zurich - Ben Jacobsen
Graduate researcher, University of Wisconsin – Madison - Andrew
Princeton University and Opportunity Labs - Tatiana Caldas-Löttiger
CEO & Founder at IWIB4AI Think-Tank - Chris Lengerich
Founder, Context Fund - Declan Dunn
Founder, The AI Optimist - Shahan Ali Memon
Researcher, New York University in Abu Dhabi - Samira Khan
Social Innovation Leader - Maanas Sharma
MIT - Vikash Sehwag
Research Scientist, Sony AI - Frédérick Plamondon
Higher Ed Policy Advisor, PhD candidate - Anca Țenea
PhD Candidate, University of Bucharest - Mélissa M’Raidi-Kechichian
AI regulation expert - Peter Benson
Founder and CEO, Cyber-Psych - Jobst Heitzig
Lab Lead, FutureLab on Game Theory and Networks of Interacting Agents, PIK, Potsdam - Anshuman Suri
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia - Xianjun Yang
University of California, Santa Barbara - Riley Simmons-Edler
Harvard University - M. Giacobbe
Coord. Instructional Tech. & Assessment - Mario Guglielmetti
Legal officer - Peter Hase
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Cheng-Long Wang
PhD Student, KAUST - Irma Mastenbroek
Freelance AI, bias and fairness researcher - Roya Pakzad
Taraaz; UVA - Nidhi Sinha
Center for AI and Digital Policy - Yong-Yeol Ahn
Indiana University - Wei Cheng
Senior Researcher - Sceenu Pangan
Director, Business Systems - Rylan Schaeffer
PhD Student, Stanford University - Sceenu Pangan
IT Director - Bogdana Rakova
Founder, Speculative Friction Initiative - Ian Messa
Undergraduate student, University of Colorado Boulder - Mariena Quintanilla
Founder, Mellonhead - Aniruddha Nrusimha
PhD Candidate, MIT - Keshav Ramji
University of Pennsylvania - Luciana Benotti
Universidad nacional de Córdoba, Argentina - Andrew Smart
Researcher, Google Research - Peter Morgan
CEO Deep Learning Partnership - Ricky D Crano
Humanities Researcher, UC Irvine - Saurabh Shah
ML Engineer, Apple - Cain Hillier
Upcoming Junior Researcher, EIAS - Vinaya Sivakumar
Student, UC Berkeley - J. Rosenbaum
RMIT, artist and researcher - Manish Shah
Founder - Jiayi Pan
PhD Student, UC Berkeley - Elizabeth Aguado Laos
Mcneese State University-Ignite Lab Project - Kushal Agrawal
Applied Scientist, Relativity - Ming Wang
PhD Candidate, Northeastern University (Shenyang) - Seungone Kim
KAIST - Andrew Hundt
Computing Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University - Björn Bebensee
Research Engineer, Samsung Research - Sorab Ghaswalla
Convenor, AI For Real community - Kaushalya Madhawa
Researcher, University of Tokyo - John MacIntyre
Co Editor-in-Chief, AI and Ethics - Arnel Dela Cruz
Information Security Specialist (Philippine Government Retiree) - Mark Congdon Jr.
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Sacred Heart University - Jing Li
Assistant Researcher, Institute for Industrial Innovation and Finance (IIIF), Tsinghua University - Anubrata Das
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Texas at Austin - Seonghyeon Ye
KAIST - Caroline Friedman Levy
NIST AISIC Consortium, Risk Management Working Group - Joseph Cipriani
Attorney, Healthtech Industry - Ketan Modi
Mr - Zhimeng Guo
PhD Student, PSU - Gabriel Simmons
UC Davis - Jaehwan Lee
ML Engineer, Com2uS - Seongyun Lee
KAIST - Ole A. Kristoffersen
Key Account Manager - Aman Priyanshu
CMU - Leon Kester
Senior Research Scientist AI Safety, TNO Netherlands - Albrecht Zimmermann
Université de Caen Normandie - Giovanna Jaramillo-Gutierrez Ph.D FHCA
Milan and associates SRL, Belgium - Sebastian Sigloch
Head Data & Insights, Switch - Peter Jensen
CEO, BiocommAI - Siméon Campos
SaferAI - Milton Leal
AI Researcher, University of Sao Paulo - Ryan Steed
Doctoral Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University - Matthew R. DeVerna
Graduate Researcher, Indiana University - Homa Hosseinmardi
research staff - Ninell Oldenburg
University of Copenhagen - Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
University of Maryland, College Park - Merouane Debbah
Khalifa University/TII - Susan Benesch
Executive Director, Dangerous Speech Project - Nora Benavidez
Senior Counsel, Free Press - Mimee Xu
PhD student, New York University - Adam Gleave
Founder & CEO, FAR AI - Andrew Buher
Princeton University and Opportunity Labs - Mikhail Gordon
Researcher, University of Surrey, School of Law - Andreas Haupt
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Mohamed El Baha
ML engineer, Michelin - Lauren Wilcox
eBay, Georgia Tech - Samidh Chakrabarti
Stanford University - Alon Refaeli
Partner, Cyber Together - Luca Fregoso
Content Manager, Developer Talent Partner @ Codemotion - David Manfroy
Juridict.io, Belgium - Éric GOUAZÉ
associate lecturer - John Weiler
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) - Jeanine Holden
Associate Director of Program Design - Ramak Molavi Vasse’i
Director - Xin Chen
PhD student, ETH Zurich - Arka Majhi
PhD Scholar, IIT Bombay & Visiting Professor, MITID Pune - George Simeo
Creative Director, simeo.me - Petar Tsankov
Co-founder & CEO at LatticeFlow AI - Kieran Kelly
Director of Consulting - Harmony Eidolon
Program Coordination, LIL - Mario Deshaies
CEO Preventera.online - Nadiyah Shaheed
Berkman Klein Center @ Harvard Law School - Kim Watkinson
Voice Over Artist - Jonathan Weiss
Founder, Chinnu Inc. - Tarun K. Verma
Research Assistant, IIT Bombay - Dr. Stephen Moskal
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT CSAIL - Philippe Beaudoin
CEO, Waverly - Hui-Lee Ooi
Postdoc, CHEO - Deval Pandya
VP – AI Engineering , Vector Institute - Oliver Li
Researcher, Uppsala University - Kevin Petrie
VP Research, Eckerson Group - Russell Ursula
Leading With Integrity Foundation Curacao - David O’Toole
Tech Policy Analyst - Quyet V. Do
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bob Levy
Founder & CEO, Immersion Analytics - Philippe Paul Verstraete
Co-Founder, Milan and Associates SRL, Belgium - Jorly Metzger
Doctor of Technology Student, Purdue University - Peter Suber
Senior advisor for open access, Harvard Library - Michael P. Taylor
University of Bristol - Joseph Stewart
Concerned citizen, votet - Andrei Kucharavy
- Nelson Daniel
AI Curriculum Integration Manager, Palm Beach State College - Ranti Dev Sharma
Co-Founder - Kseniia Gnitko
Independent Security Researcher - Michelle Lam
PhD Student, Stanford University - Catherine Cronin
Independent - Xavier Brandao
Director and cofounder, #jesuislà - Ian Poynter
Retired CISO, Concerned Citizen - Andrew Sispoidis
Co-Founder / CEO - Jay B
Professional - Sanna J Ali
Policy Analyst, Stanford University - Gary A. Bolles
Chair for the Future of Work, Singularity University - Chris McLellan
Founder, Ask AI - Sri Ambati
Founder & CEO, H2O.ai - Farhan Malik
Architecture of Things - Yi Liu
PhD Student, City University of Hong Kong - Matt Abrams
Founding Partner, Democracy Capital