We are a group of 80+ and growing MIT faculty from various disciplines and schools across the Institute.
About Us
We represent a group of 80+ and growing MIT faculty from various disciplines and schools across the Institute. We have written a number of statements. We welcome interviews with members of the press.
Are you an MIT Faculty (professors, lecturers, instructors and visiting professors) who wants to learn more or join us? Email: hello-acf@mit.edu
Are you an MIT staff / alum / parent or other who wants to coordinate with us? Email: hello-acf@mit.edu
Are you a member of the press? Email: hello-acf@mit.edu
Recent Statements
- SOS from MIT – Letters From MIT Students: Distress and Harm Caused by Recent MIT Policies and Actions
- MIT Faculty Statement on Student Arrests and Suspensions
- Statement by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Ms. Farida Shaheed on her visit to the United States of America, 29 April – 10 May 2024
- Letter to MIT from a Palestinian Student
- Keeping community in times of protest
- MassLive Article about MIT
- Boston Globe Article about MIT
- An Urgent Call from MIT Faculty to Senior Administration: Let the Peaceful Protest Continue and Leave Open Door to Discussions
- Al Jazeera Report on MIT