Black Hole Explorer Japan Workshop

June 24-25, 2024 at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

A Hybrid (in-person + Zoom) Conference

Aims and Scope

The Black Hole Explorer (BHEX) is a space mission concept being developed for the NASA Explorers Program. BHEX will produce the sharpest images in the history of astronomy by extending submillimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) to space. The primary objective of BHEX is to detect and measure a black hole’s “photon ring,’’ composed of rays of light that have orbited the black hole before escaping. The photon ring traces a narrow region of space just outside the black hole’s event horizon, which is a unique probe for its spacetime and enables direct measurements of the black hole’s spin. BHEX will achieve these goals by extending the existing ground-based millimeter/submillimeter VLBI arrays (EHT and GMVA) to space at the observing frequencies of 86, 230, and 345 GHz. 

The Japanese community is a major contributor to the mission concept development from science to instrument design. Potential key technological contributions to the mission include key components of the receiver front end, the development of a novel space-qualified multi-stage 4.5K cryocooler similar to that flown on the JAXA’s Hitomi and XRISM satellites, the ground support using millimeter/submillimeter observatories including VERA, Nobeyama 45-m, and ALMA, and using the network of optical downlink stations for ground-to-space laser communications. The community’s scientific interests span from physics at the edge of the event horizon, astrophysics of black hole accretion and jets, to the molecular universe to be potentially explored at radio frequencies for the first time observed with the mission. This community plans to co-propose the mission to JAXA as a collaborative US-Japan space program.

This two-day workshop aims to connect the BHEX community with broad regional astronomy and space science communities. This workshop features keynote speakers from the BHEX team and the broader astronomical community to summarize the mission concept development and crucial contributions from  Japan.

We will further invite oral and poster contributions regarding broad topics relevant to the mission including:

  • Science Drivers and Requirements
    • Photon ring and fundamental physics (BH properties, tests of GR, EM/GW studies, dark matter, exotic compact objects)
    • Black holes and their cosmic context (SMBH formation and evolution, studies of SMBH binaries, multi-wavelength studies of black holes and jets, large-scale jet collimation and kinematics)
    • Accretion (probing accretion flow dynamics and structure, turbulence, plasma studies near a BH)
    • Jet launching (energy extraction from spinning BHs, black hole magnetospheres, jet kinematics and monitoring)
    • Transients and impulsive phenomena (incoherent transients including XRBs, TDEs, and SNe, GW precursor/afterglow studies)
    • Algorithms and inference (imaging methods, model fitting to interferometric data, feature extraction, machine learning, parameter estimation, synthetic data)
    • Community Science (Single-dish Opportunities)
  • Operations and Instrumentations
    • Antenna and Optics
    • Cryogenics and Recievers
    • Backend, Buffer and Downlink
    • Frequency Reference
    • Science Operations
    • Flight Dynamics and Orbit Optimization

Confirmed Keynote Topics and Speakers

BHEX Mission Overview

Michael Johnson (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Mission Overview

Alex Lupsasca (Vanderbilt U.)
Photon Ring Detection and Shape Measurements

Dan Marrone (U. Arizona)
BHEX Instrument Overview

Janice Houston (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Systems Engineering

Eliad Peretz (NASA GSFC)
Engineering Trades and Technologies for BHEX

Tirupati Kumara Sridharan (NRAO)
BHEX Antenna & Optics

Edward Tong (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Reciever

Hannah Rana (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Cryocooler

Ranjani Srinivasan (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Digital Backend

Jade Wang (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Ground-Space Laser Downlink for BHEX 

Sara Issaoun (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
BHEX Science Operations

Dom Pesce (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
Next generation EHT as a ground array for BHEX

Japanese Roles for BHEX

Kazu Akiyama (MIT Haystack Observatory)
BHEX Japan Overview

Tomohisa Kawashima (University of Tokyo ICRR)
Horizon-scale Science with BHEX

Yuh Tsunetoe (Harvard University Black Hole Initiative)
Horizon-scale Science with BHEX

Shoko Koyama (Niigata University)
Yoshiaki Hagiwara (Toyo University)

AGN Science with BHEX

Aya Higuchi (Tokyo Denki University)
Galactic Molecular Science with a Potential Single Dish Mode

Hidetoshi Sano (Gifu University)
Extragalactic Molecular Science with a Potential Single Dish Mode

Dimitar Kolev (NICT)
NICT Activities and Future Research Plan for Space Optical Communications Technology

Kazuhiro Hada (Nagoya City Observatory)
VERA and EAVN as a Ground Array for BHEX

Hiroshi Imai (Kagoshima University)
Millimeter VLBI with Noveyama 45m Telescope

Noriko Yamasaki (ISAS / JAXA)
Overview of the Japanese Cryocoolers for Space Missions

Yoshinori Uzawa (NAOJ ATC)
Development of Novel SIS Mixers for ALMA and BHEX

Important Dates

February 13, 2024 (passed)Opening of the registration
April 1, 2024 (passed)Deadline for the registration & abstract submission for Oral contributors
May 1, 2024 (passed)Deadline for the registration & abstract submission for Poster contributors
Deadline for the registration of other on-site attendees
May 8, 2024 (passed)Announcement of the early program
June 10, 2024 June 1, 2024 (passed)Announcement of the final program
June 17, 2024 June 14, 2024 (passed)Deadline for the registration of all attendees including remote participants
June 24-25, 2024The Black Hole Explorer Japan Workshop
For those who need a visa to enter Japan to attend this conference, please register for the workshop and contact LOC (see contact information below) as soon as possible. See here for the list of countries and regions for visa exemptions.

Local Information

Access to the NAOJ Headquarters (NAOJ Mitaka Campus)

Please refer to this page for the access information to the NAOJ headquarters. The workshop will be held in the Large Conference Room on the ground floor of the Subaru Building.


We recommend reserving hotels around Musashi Sakai Station of the JR Chuo Line or Chofu Station of the Keio Line. Followings are popular choices of hotels near each station.

Musasisakai Station (JR Chuo Line)

  • JR East Japan Hotel Mets Musashi Sakai (Website)

Chofu Station (Keio Line)


Science Organization Committee: bhexjapanws2024-soc “at”
Local Organization Committee: bhexjapanws2024-loc “at”

Science Organization Committee

Kazu Akiyama (MIT Haystack, SOC Chair)
Akihiro Doi (ISAS/JAXA)
Kazuhiro Hada (Nagoya City University)
Janice Houston (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
Mareki Honma (NAOJ)
Sara Issaoun (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
Michael Johnson (Harvard & Smithsonian CfA)
Peter Kurzynski (NASA GSFC)
Dan Marrone (U. Arizona)
Kotaro Niinuma (Yamaguchi U.)

Local Organization Committee

Kazu Akiyama (MIT Haystack)
Elika Prameswari Fariyanto (U. Tokyo / NAOJ)
Kazuhiro Hada (Nagoya City University)
Mareki Honma (NAOJ, LOC Chair)
Kenzo Kawamura (U. Electro-Communications / NAOJ)
Yutaro Kofuji (U. Tokyo / NAOJ)
Akiyo Komori (NAOJ)
Kenta Nakamura (U. Tokyo / NAOJ)
Yoshinori Uzawa (NAOJ)