
Complex Adaptive Systems * March 5-7, 2025 * MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA USA

The Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Conference was founded and organized by Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2011, pushing research boundaries over the last thirteen years. From 2025 the conference will be expanded to include a larger community of practitioners and researchers.

In 2025 the conference will be held on the MIT Campus hosted by MIT System, Design and Management (SDM) with support of the INCOSE New England Chapter and the IEEE Smart Cities community. INCOSE working groups including Adaptability, Complex Systems, System of Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Risk Management and Resilience are also participating.

CAS2025 Organization

Founding Chair: Cihan Dagli, Missouri Science and Technology

Bryan R. Moser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Haifeng Zhu, Boeing and INCOSE Systems Adaptability Working Group

Organizing Committee

Ray Barton, INCOSE Canada

Nil Ergin, Penn State University

Joseph Hemenway, Strategic Technology Consulting

Brian Sheehan, INCOSE New England

Jack Stein, INCOSE America

VJ Valkand, INCOSE

Michal Delkowski, MIT, Student Committee Chair

Jasmine Hicks, MIT, Logistics Committee Chair

Ignacio Vazquez, MIT, Workshops Committee Chair

Technical Program Committee

Matthew Amissah, George Mason University
William Brooks, Boeing
Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia
Cihan Dagli, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Michal Delkowski, MIT
Olivier de Weck, MIT
Amro Farid, Stevens Institute of Technology
Alan Harding, BAE Systems
Fred Highland, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Mika Ilic, University of Tsukuba
Wei-Jen Lee, University of Texas at Arlington
Cong Liu, Collins
Bryan Moser, MIT
Takuya Nakashima, University of Tokyo
Murat Ozbayoglu, TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Eric Rebentisch, MIT
Jonas Urbonas, MIT
Rob Vingerhoeds, ISAE-SUPAERO
Ryota Wada, University of Tokyo
Hen-Geul Yeh, California State University Long Beach
Rong Zheng, McMaster University
Haifeng Zhu, Boeing and INCOSE Systems Adaptability Working Group