
Complex Adaptive Systems * March 5-7, 2025 * MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA USA


WED March 5th, 15:00

Systems Engineering Vision 2025

Did we get it right?

In 2014 INCOSE released its new Vision 2025 for the Future of Systems Engineering, called “World in Motion”. This panel session will go back and look at that vision with a critical mind, now that 2025 has actually arrived.

What did we get right? What was missed?

Specifically, we want to discuss the future of Systems Engineering (e.g. the role of AI/ML) and what our findings might mean for the 2035 Vision.

Panel led by Professor Olivier de Weck of MIT

Olivier de Weck, Mich Lin,  Robb Wirthlin, and Gioele Zardini

THU March 6th, 15:00

Herding CATS 

Complex Adaptive Transdisciplinary Systems 

It is generally accepted in systems communities that transdisciplinary approaches are more effective, if not necessary, in situations of high complexity and adaptability. Positive results using transdisciplinary approaches in education, research, engineering, management and other areas have been produced. The premise of this panel is that greater transdisciplinary interaction and more holistic system-of-systems (SoS) level views could be beneficial. However, transdisciplinary interaction becomes more challenging as system complexity, and the number and diversity of disciplines and individuals increases. The panelists will give short opening presentations, followed by discussion and questions from the audience.

Panel led by Jack Stein of INCOSE Risk Management WG

Jack Stein, William Brooks, John Poirier, Eric Rebentisch