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- ITPA PEP participant, and a primary author on PEP sections of “Report on Open Issues in the new ITER Baseline with a W-wall” (May, 2024)
- U.S. Lead, QH-Mode Working Group, EU-US ELM-free Joint Working Group, 2024-2026.
- Participant, DOE SC Private Facility Research (PFR) Program Workshop, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), February 29, 2024.
- Leader of the 2022 DOE OFES Joint Research Target on Intrinsically non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes, with 5 working groups and 45 participants. Final report completed 9/30/2022, 163 pp., 100 figures. Also co-led three of the five JRT working groups.
- Discussion Group Leader, Transport and Confinement Group 2, 2022 US ITER Research Needs Workshop. Author of white paper #65: Developing Non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes for ITER.
- Co-Leader of DIII-D Experimental Thrust in Edge and Boundary Physics: Develop Non-ELMing High Performance Scenarios, awarded 9 run days for the 2022-2023 DIII-D Program, with 13 experiments selected.
- MIT PSFC Seminar Committee: Invited, hosted and introduced several speakers per year, 2019 – 2021.
- 2016 U.S. DOE Exascale Workshop white paper submitted by invitation, Continuum Gyrokinetic Turbulence and Transport in Magnetic Fusion Research on Exascale Computers, D. R. Ernst (MIT), December 21, 2015.
- Committee on MIT PSFC parallel computing facilities; led scientific justification white paper for successful DOE proposal for MIT PSFC Engaging parallel cluster, 3200 CPU cores.
- Leader of DIII-D National Fusion Science Campaign experiment (2013), proposal was one of 6 selected from 15 by the Fusion Facilities Coordinating Committee.
- Leader of three DOE 2012 Joint Research Target experiments.
- Co-developed and co-managed PSFC Parallel Computing Cluster Loki with J. Wright, T. Baker, and P. Bonoli, 2007-2017, with approximately 100 users. Developed custom web-based job monitoring and accounting software to provide a user-friendly environment that remained the first-choice facility for many PSFC users. Served as main sysadmin.
- Designed and co-managed Marshall Theory Computer Cluster with J. Wright, T. Baker, and P. Bonoli, 2003-2007. Served as main sysadmin.
- Co-led PSFC Turbulence Simulation Users Group with Anne White and Martin Greenwald, hosting weekly talks, 2010-2012.
- Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference Executive Committee 2007-2010, Chair of Membership Committee 2009.
- Selection Committee, DoE National Undergraduate Fellowship in Fusion Energy, 2007.
- Provided several figures for the book: Plasma Science: Advancing Knowledge in the National Interest, National Research Council of the National Academies, National Academies Press, 2007. S. C. Cowley, J. Peoples, J. Callen, F. Chang-Diaz, T. Ditmire, W. Dorland, W. Gekelman, S. Girshick, D. Hammer, E. Ippen, M. Kushner, K. Lynch, J. Menard, L. Merminga, E. Quataert, T. Sommere, C. Surko, M. Tabak.
- Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physics of Plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Nuclear Fusion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Plasma Physics. Have refereed over 45 papers.
- Frequent reviewer for U. S. Dept. of Energy. Served on a DOE Review Panel in Washington, DC. Often review two to four grant proposals per year in theory and computation and recently in experiment.
- Burning Plasma Physics Technical Subgroup of the Magnetic Fusion Concepts Working Group, Snowmass 1999. Reported on technical readiness for a national/international fusion demonstration experiment. H. L. Berk, D. R. Ernst, W. Houlberg, I. Hutchinson, R. La Haye, D. Mueller, R. Nazikian, N. Sauthoff, A. Turnbull, and J. Wesley.