Graduate Students and Postdocs directly supervised:

  1. Dr. Manaure Francisquez, 2018-2020
    SciDAC post-doc, moved to PPPL in GKEYLL group.
  2. Dr. Qingjiang Pan, 2017-2021
    SciDAC post-doc, moved to industry.
  3. Dr. Matt Landreman, 2011 – 2013
    DOE Magnetic Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Fellowship, now at Univ. Maryland.
  4. Dr. Bo Li, 2010 – 2012
    SciDAC post-doc, moved to Asst. Prof., School of Physics, Peking University, now Professor of Physics, Beihang University, Beijing.
  5. Dr. Kirill Zhurovich, 2004 – 2007
    co-supervised Ph.D. thesis with Dr. C. Fiore, moved to Goldman-Sachs, London.

Three postdocs solely supported by my grants and one DOE Fellowship. All four postdocs gave APS invited talks and some also gave Sherwood orals. Three out of four remain in the field, one at PPPL, one at Univ. Maryland, one in China as a professor.

Undergraduate Research Projects directly supervised:

  1. Ian Gill, 2024 (Yale undergraduate with fellowship support)
  2. Jay Lang, 2019 (MIT UROP, Nuclear Science and Engineering)
  3. David Ely, 2009 (MIT UROP, Physics, co-supervised with K. Zhurovich)
  4. Eric Grebing, 2008 (MIT UROP, EECS, co-supervised with K. Zhurovich)
  5. Michael Hoffman, summer 2008 (DOE National Undergraduate Fellow)
  6. Viraj Navkal, summer 2006 (DOE National Undergraduate Fellow)
  7. Bo Feng, summer 2007 (MIT UROP)
  8. Kyle Zeller, 2004 – 2006 (MIT UROP, supervised Senior Thesis)
  9. Andrew Long, summer 2005 (DOE National Undergraduate Fellow)
  10. Alejandro Suarez, summer 2005 (DOE National Undergraduate Fellow)
  11. Geoffrey Catto, summer 2003 (Summer student – Computer Science)

All undergraduate student projects supervised in separate research projects I proposed. All projects were presented in seminars at MIT and at the APS Division of Plasma Physics annual meeting.

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