Hosler, D. “Lo humano y lo divino: Metalurgia and cosmogonía en la America antigua“. (Book Review). Falchetti, A.M. 2018. Latin America Antiquity, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 662-663.
Schmidt, M.J., Goldberg, S.L., Perron, J.T., Heckenberger, M.J., Watling, J., Dorshow, W.B., Moraes, B., Lima, H., Texeira, W., Neves, E.G., Hosler, D., Waura, K., Kuikuro, H., Kuikuro, W., Kuikuro, A., Fausto, C., and Franchetto, B. “Estimating Soil Carbon in Southern Amazon Late Holocene Anthropogenic Landscapes Containing Archaeological ‘Dark Earth’ Anthrosols“. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1-17, 2020.
Zaldúa, J., and Hosler, D. “Copper Smelting at the Archaeological Site of El Manchón, Guerrero: From Indigenous Practice to Colonial-Scale Production”. Latin American Antiquity vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 558-575.
Maia, H., Tarkanian, M., and Hosler, D. “Silver-Copper Alloys from the Andes to Western Mexico; Experiments in Fabrication Techniques and Design”. Fifty-Sixth Meeting of the International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, Spain.
Hosler, D. “Aztec Metallurgy“. The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs (Book). Nichols, D.L., and Rodríguez-Alegría, E. (eds), chap. 21, pp. 319-328.
Hosler, D. “Mesoamerican Metallurgy: The Perspective from the West“. Archaeometallurgy in Global Perspective (Book). Roberts B.W., and Thornton, C.P. (eds). New York: Springer, pp. 329-359.
Hosler, D. “Mesoamerican Metallurgy Today“. Archaeometallurgy in Mesoamerica: Current Approaches and New Perspectives (Book). Simmons, S.E., and Shugar, A.N. (eds). Boulder, CO: Colorado University Press, chap. 9, pp. 227-245.
Tarkanian, M., and Hosler, D. “America’s First Polymer Scientists: Rubber Processing, Use and Transport in Mesoamerica“. Latin American Antiquity vol. 22, no. 4, Society for American Archaeology, pp. 469-486.
Hosler, D., and Cabrera, R. “A Mazapa Phase Copper Figurine from Atetelco, Teotihuacan: Data and Speculations“. Ancient Mesoamerica vol. 21, no. 2, Cambridge University Press, pp. 249-260.
Hosler, D. “West Mexican Metallurgy: Revisited and Revised“. Journal of World Prehistory no. 22, pp. 185-212.
Hosler, D., Tarkanian, M., and Hessler, K. “Aspects of Metallurgy of Calixtlahuaca. Recent Research on the production and use of metal in ancient Mesoamerica”. Presentation at the Fifty-Third Meeting of the International Congress of Americanists, Mexico City, Mexico.
Dewan, L., and Hosler, D. “Ancient Maritime Trade on Balsa Rafts: An Engineering Analysis“. Journal of Anthropological Research vol. 64, pp. 19-40.
Hosler, D. “Alternativas técnicas, categorías sociales y significado entre los alfareros de las ánimas”. Etnoarqueología: El Contexto Dinámico de la Cultura Material a Través del Tiempo (Book). El Colegio de Michoacán, Williams, E. (ed), pp. 75-103.
Hosler, D. “Los sonidos y colores del poder: La metalurgia sagrada del occidente de Mexico“. (Book). El Colegio Mexiquense, Zinacantepec, Mexico.
Hosler, D. “Excavations at the Copper Smelting Site of El Manchón, Guerrero, México“. Report: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, (FAMSI).
Hosler, D. “Nuevos datos sobre la producción de metal en el occidente en la época prehispánica”. Bienes estratégicos del antiguo occidente de México: Producción e Intercambio (Book). El Colegio de Michoacán, Williams, E. (ed), pp. 335-353.
Hosler, D. “Metal Production (Chapter 21)”. In The Postclassic Mesoamerican World (Book). Smith, M., and Berdan, F. (eds). Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, pp. 159-171.
Hosler, D. “Nuevos hallazgos sobre la metalurgia antigua de Guerrero”. El pasado arqueológico de Guerrero. Conaculta-INAH, pp. 225-241.
Hosler, D., Ferreira, M., Henrique, L., Moreno, R., Goncalves, P., and Ortiz, C. “Studies of Natural Rubber Clones by Standard Methods and Nanomechanics Techniques“. American Physical Society, Indiana Convention Center.
Hosler, D. “Mining and Metalwork“. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America. Carrasco, D. (ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 309-311.
Tarkanian, M.J., and Hosler, D. “An Ancient Tradition Continued: Modern Rubber Processing in Mexico”. In The Sport of Life and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame, Charlotte: Thames & Hudson (eds), pp. 116-121.
Tarkanian, M., and Hosler, D. “La elaboración del hule en el antiguo Mesoamérica”. Arqueología Mexicana no. 44, pp. 54-57.
Hosler, D., Burkett, S., and Tarkanian, M.J. “Prehistoric Polymers: Rubber Processing in Ancient Mesoamerica“. Science vol. 284, no. 5422, pp. 1988-1991.
Lopez, R., Hosler, D., and Moran, D. “Coastal and Inland Pb Isotope Groups of Paleocene Cu Ores from the Rio Balsas Basin, Guerrero State, Mexico“. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Hosler, D. “Recent insights into the metallurgical technologies of ancient mesoamerica“. JOM vol. 51, pp. 11-14.
Hosler, D. “In Quest of Mineral Wealth: Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America“. (Book Review). Craig, A., and West, J. (authors). Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, vol. 12, pp. 165-171.
Hosler, D. “Early Metal Mining and Production“. (Book Review). Craddock, P.T. (author). American Antiquity vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 153-154.
Hosler, D. “La tecnología de la metalurgia sagrada del Occidente de México“. Arqueología Mexicana vol. 27, pp. 34-41.
Hosler, D. “Los orígenes andinos de la metalurgia del Occidente de México.” Boletín Museo del Oro, no. 42, pp. 3-25.
Hosler, D. “Bells, Shells, Bees and Boats: Metallurgy in Ancient Mesoamerica”. Science Spectra, no. 4, pp. 38-45.
Hosler, D. “Technical Choices, Social Categories and Meaning Among the Andean Potters of Las Animas“. Journal of Material Culture vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 63-92.
Hosler, D. “Ancient American Ritual Bells“. Material Research Society Bulletin vol. 21, pp. 80.
Hosler, D. “Ancient American Metallurgies”. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 462-463.
Hosler, D., and Macfarlane, A. “Copper Sources, Metal Production and Metals Trade in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica“. Science vol. 273, no. 5283, pp. 1819-1824.
Hosler, D. “Sound, Color and Meaning in the Metallurgy of Ancient West Mexico“. Reader in Archaeological Theory, Post-Processual and Cognitive Approaches. Whitley, D.S. (ed), chap. 5, pp. 103-118.
Hosler, D. “El bronce Mesoamericano: orígenes, desarrollo y difusión”. Ávila Palafox, R. (ed). Guadalajara, Mexico: University of Guadalajara, pp. 115-125.
Hosler, D. “La metalurgia prehispánica del Occidente de México: Una cronología tecnológica”. Arqueología del Occidente de México: nuevas aportaciones (Book). Williams, E. and Novella, R. (eds). El Colegio de Michoacán, pp. 237-295.
Hosler, D. “The Sounds and Colors of Power: The Sacred Metallurgical Technology of Ancient West Mexico“. (Book). Cambridge: MIT Press. Second Printing 2002.
Hosler, D. “La metalurgia en la antigua Mesoamérica: sonidos y colores del poder”. Semillas de industria: transformaciones de la tecnología indígena en las Américas (Book). Ruz, M.H. (ed), pp. 85-97.
Hosler, D., and Stresser-Péan, G. “The Huastec Region: A Second Locus for the Production of Bronze Alloys in Ancient Mesoamerica“. Science, vol. 257, pp. 1215-1220.
Hosler, D. “Pottery Function: A Use-Alteration Perspective”. (Book Review). Skibo, J.M. (author). American Anthropologist vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1024.
Hosler, D., Lechtman, H., and Holm, O. “Axe-Monies and Their Relatives“. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archeology, no. 30. Washington, D.C., Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
Hosler, D. “The development of ancient Mesoamerican metallurgy“. JOM, The Journal of the Minerals. Metals & Materials Society, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 44-46.
Hosler, D. “Ancient West Mexican Metallurgy: A Technological Chronology“. Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 15, pp. 191-217.
Hosler, D. “The Metallurgy of Ancient West Mexico”. Maddin, R. (ed). Cambridge: MIT Press, chap. 29, pp. 328-34.
Hosler, D. “Ancient West Mexican Metallurgy: South and Central American Origins and West Mexican Transformations“. American Anthropologist vol. 90, pp. 832-855.
Hosler, D. “Cultural Organization of Technology: Copper Alloys in Ancient West Mexico”. Bogota, Colombia: Banco de la República, pp. 67-86.
Hosler, D. “The Origins, Technology, and Social Construction of Ancient West Mexican Metallurgy“. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of California, Santa Barbara. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms.
Hosler, D. “Organización cultural de la tecnología: Aleaciones de cobre en México Occidental Precolombino”. Metalurgia de América Precolombina (Book). Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 69-77.
Hosler, D. “Arqueología y metalurgia en el Occidente de México. El bronce mesoamericano: orígenes, desarrollo y difusión.” Transformaciones mayores en el Occidente de México. Ávila Palafox, R. (ed). Universidad de Guadalajara, pp. 115-125.
Hosler, D., Sabloff, J.A., and Runge, D. “Simulation Model Development: A Case Study of the Classic Maya Collapse”. Social Process in Maya Prehistory (Book). Hammond, N. (ed). London: Academic Press, pp. 553-590.