Faculty Letter Regarding Due Process
All MIT community members are now welcome to sign this letter and we will continue to update the signatories here.
Questions? dueprocessnowmit@gmail.com
Faculty Letter Regarding Due Process
To President Kornbluth, Chancellor Nobles, Provost Barnhart, Chair of Faculty Fuller, and Professor Schapiro,
We the undersigned faculty and staff are issuing an urgent call for due process for our students facing hastily enacted interim suspensions.
While we understand there are complex, fast-moving situations at play, the current decision to issue a set of “interim suspensions” without any meaningful due process involving a full Committee on Discipline hearing goes against not only the spirit of MIT, but the very foundations of U.S. legal frameworks which always assume that the accused have a right to a full hearing of evidence as well as advisement in addressing the accusation. While warnings were issued, a full disciplinary process before punishment is vital. While the disciplinary action may end up being warranted, right now a commitment to due process has been completely bypassed.
This decision is putting students in immediate and profound material jeopardy affecting their residency status, their access to housing and food, their ability to continue with their education and, in some cases, even graduate. In practice, an interim suspension is actually acting as a full one, particularly for international students.
By Wednesday evening, May 8, more than twenty students have been identified as having received letters detailing interim suspensions for their “participation in the encampment” — a vague allegation that could include hundreds of students. At least 17 cases involve planned removal of access to food (meal plans) and housing (access to dorm rooms). In one case, the student has a wife and a 5-year-old daughter who will soon also be without access to housing.
Faculty members working with students facing interim suspensions are already witnessing errors in the process of identifying students. In one case, a Palestinian student who had been avoiding the encampment since Monday received a suspension notice. This is an indication that the hastily enacted process of identifying (through unclear means and methods) and preemptively punishing students is likely to be flawed.
We call on the administration to immediately rescind the interim suspensions and work with COD to manage a disciplinary process that maintains a more transparent, fair, and ethically coherent approach.
- Ryan Aasen, Visiting Lecturer, ACT
- Fatin Abbas, Lecturer, CMS/W
- Mohamed Abdelhafez, Lecturer, Physics
- Fadel Adib, Associate Professor, Media Lab & EECS
- Sana Aiyar, Associate Professor, History
- Anant Agarwal, Professor, EECS/CSAIL
- Azra Aksamija, Professor, ACT
- Adam Albright, Professor, Linguistics
- Sandy Alexandre, Associate Professor, Literature
- Latifa Alkhayat, Teaching Fellow, Architecture
- Abdullah Almaatouq, Assistant Professor, Sloan School of Management
- Saman Amarasinghe, Professor, EECS/CSAIL
- Katya Arquilla, Visiting Assistant Professor, AeroAstro
- Amir Anvari, Assistant Professor, Linguistics & Philosophy
- Athulya Aravind, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Seth Avecilla, Technical Instructor, Morningside Academy for Design
- Vivek Bald, Associate Professor, CMS/W
- Dwaipayan Banerjee, Associate Professor, STS
- Roi Salgueiro Barrio, Lecturer, Architecture
- Kim Bath, Lecturer, CMS/W
- Sara Beery, Assistant Professor, EECS
- Caroline Beimford, Lecturer, CMS/W & WRAP
- Edmund Bertschinger, Professor, Physics
- Robert C Berwick, Professor, EECS
- Lydia Bourouiba, Associate Professor, Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, & Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
- Kate Brown, Thomas Siebel Distinguished Professor in the History of Science, STS
- Karilyn Crockett, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Studies & Planning
- Christopher Cullen, Lecturer, MIT Sloan
- Catherine D’Ignazio, Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Michel DeGraff, Professor, Linguistics
- Junot Díaz, Professor, CMS/Writing
- Tawanna R. Dillahunt, MLK Visiting Scholar, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Nilma Dominique, Lecturer, Global Languages
- Kevin Dorst, Associate Professor, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Peter Dourmashkin, Senior Lecturer, Physics
- Caitlyn Doyle, Lecturer, Literature
- Eric Driscoll, Lecturer, History and Literature
- Fabio Duarte, Lecturer, Principal Research Scientist, Urban Studies and Planning
- Paloma Duong, Associate Professor, CMS/W
- Arindam Dutta, Professor, Architecture
- Laura Finch, Assistant Professor, Literature
- Danny Fox, Professor, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Elizabeth Fox, Lecturer, CMS/Writing
- Giada Franz, Instructor, Mathematics
- Nuh Gedik, Donner Professor of Physics, RLE
- Erin Genia, Visiting Lecturer, ACT
- Marzyeh Ghassemi, Assistant Professor, EECS/IMES
- Ahmed Ghoniem, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Rania Ghosn, Associate Professor, Architecture
- Ezra Haber Glenn. Lecturer; co-chair, MCP Committee, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Marah Gubar, Associate Professor, CMS/W
- Huma Gupta, Assistant Professor, Architecture
- Wesley L. Harris, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AeroAstro
- Charles Harvey, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy, Affiliate in WGS and D-Lab
- Thomas Heldt, Associate Professor of Electrical & Biomedical Engineering, EECS/IMES/RLE
- Stefan Helmreich, Professor, Anthropology
- Maya Honda, Lecturer, Linguistics
- Caley Horan, Associate Professor, History
- Sabine Iatridou, Professor, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Noel Jackson, Associate Professor, Literature
- Erica Caple James, Professor of Medical Anthropology and Urban Studies, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Nancy Kanwisher, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Dina Katabi, Professor, EECS
- Wyn Kelley, Senior Lecturer, Literature
- Michael J. Kenstowicz, Professor, Dept. of Linguistics
- Bo-Won Keum, Lecturer, Architecture
- Justin Khoo, Associate Professor, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Yoon Kim, Assistant Professor, EECS
- Jonathan King, Prof. of Molecular Biology Emeritus
- Jaffer Kolb, Lecturer, Architecture
- Crystal Lee, Assistant Professor, CMS/W
- Helen Elaine Lee, Professor, CMS/W
- Thomas Levenson, Professor, CMS/W
- Ben Mangrum, Assistant Professor, Literature
- Kenneth R. Manning, Thomas Meloy Professor of Rhetoric and of the History of Science, STS & CMS/W
- Admir Masic, Associate Professor, CEE
- Youssef Marzouk, Professor, AeroAstro
- Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Professor, Program in STS
- Libby McDonald, Lecturer, D-Lab
- Ceasar McDowell, Professor of Practice of Civic Design, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- David McGee, Associate Professor, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Vann McGee, Professor emeritus, Linguistics and Philosophy
- William McKenna, Technical Lecturer, Morningside Academy of Design
- Eden Medina, Associate Professor, STS
- Janis Melvold. Lecturer, CMS/W WRAP
- Hector Membreno-Canales, Lecturer, ACT
- Ana Miljački, Professor, Architecture
- Haynes Miller, Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus
- Susan Murcott, Lecturer, D-Lab
- Hiromu Nagahara, Associate Professor, History
- Mohamad Nahleh, Lecturer, Architecture
- Richard Nielsen, Associate Professor, Political Science
- Jess Osserman, Technical Instructor, Project Manus
- Kenneth Oye, Professor, Political Science, Center for International Studies, IDSS
- Tanalís Padilla, Professor of History
- Bruno Perreau, Cynthia L. Reed Professor of French Studies, Literature
- Ruth Perry, Ann Fetter Friedlaender Professor of Humanities, Emeritus, Literature
- David Pesetsky, Professor, Linguistics
- Jean-Luc Pierite, MLK Visiting Scholar, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Tobias Putrih, Lecturer, ACT
- Nasser Rabbat, Professor, Architecture
- Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Associate Professor, Urban Studies and Planning
- Margery Resnick, Associate Professor, Literature
- Mitchel Resnick, Professor, MIT Media Lab
- Norvin Richards, Professor, Linguistics
- Eric Robsky Huntley, Lecturer in Urban Science and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
- Paul Roquet, Associate Professor, CMS/W
- Lawrence Sass, Professor, Architecture
- Arvind Satyanarayan, Associate Professor, EECS/CSAIL
- Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Associate Professor, STS
- Edward Schiappa, Professor, CMS/W
- Viola Schmitt, Visiting Assciate Professor, Linguistics
- Ben Schneider, Ford International Professor of Political Science, Political Science
- Kieran Setiya, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
- Andres Sevtsuk, Associate Professor, Urban Studies and Planning
- Lisbeth Shepherd, Lecturer, Architecture
- Rosalyne Shieh, Assistant Professor, Architecture
- Peter Shor, Professor, Mathematics, CSAIL, CTP
- Matthew Shoulders, Professor, Chemistry
- Nida Sinnokrot, Associate Professor, ACT
- Amy Smith, Founding Director, MIT D-Lab
- Raechel Soicher, Assistant Director of Research and Evaluation, Teaching + Learning Lab
- Susan Solomon, Martin Professor of Environmental Studies, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Donca Steriade, Professor, Linguistics
- Jessie Stickgold-Sarah, Lecturer, CMS/W WRAP
- Bettina Stoetzer, Associate Professor, Anthropology
- Adam Subhas, WHOI Associate Scientist and faculty in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program
- Abha Sur, Lecturer, WGS
- Mriganka Sur, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Science
- Julien Tailleur, Associate Professor, Physics
- T.L. Taylor, Professor, CMS/W
- Joaquin Terrones, Lecturer, Literature & WGS
- Martha Thompson, Lecturer, D-Lab
- Michael Trice, Lecturer, CMS/W
- Franz-Joseph Ulm, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Gediminas Urbonas, Associate Professor, ACT
- Andrea Walsh, Lecturer, CMS/Writing
- Craig S. Wilder, Professor of History, History
- Brianna Williams, Lecturer, CMS/W & WGS, SHASS
- John Willis, Visiting Lecturer, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology, Professor of Photography, Emeritus
- Ashia Wilson, Assistant Professor, EECS
- Danielle Wood, Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences/Aeronautics and Astronautics, Media Lab
- Elizabeth Wood, Professor, History
- George Verghese, Professor (post-tenure), EECS
- Kai von Fintel, Andrew W. Mellon Professor, Linguistics
- Stephen Yablo, Professor, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Anonymous Lecturer
- Anonymous Assistant Professor
- Anonymous Lecturer
- Anonymous Assistant Professor
- Anonymous Assistant Professor
- Anonymous Lecturer
Signatories for formal letter as of 5/10, 6p (one staff member inadvertently included, now listed below)
Broader MIT community signatories since formal submission, non-alphabetical (posted here only). Please be patient with updates, they are done manually.
- Elise Newman, Post-doc, Linguistics and Philosophy
- Anonymous Professor
- Christelle Hayles, DEI Specialist, Chemical Engineering
- Phil Thompson, Professor, Department of Uban Studies and Planning
- Latifa Alkhayat, Teaching Fellow, Architecture
- Ian Murray, Program Assistant, CAPD
- Anonymous Administrative Assistant
- Naomi Gutierrez, Communications and Alumni Administrator, System Design and Management
- Anonymous Staff
- Wilder Moss, Thesis Project Associate, MIT Libraries
- Rebecca Tibbitts, Processing Associate, MIT Libraries
- Cecilia Talamantes, Sr Analyst, VPF
- Georgina Lewis, Interlibrary Borrowing Associate, MIT Libraries
- Adam Jazairi, Software Engineer, MIT Libraries
- Eugenia Beh, Librarian, MIT Libraries
- Lauren Fairman, Development Associate, MIT Libraries
- Sadie Roosa, Librarian, MIT Libraries
- Cam West, Library Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Thera Webb, Archivist, MIT Libraries
- Sharifa Alghowinem, Research Scientist, Media Arts and Sciences
- Marcella Tam, Collection Strategist for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, MIT Libraries
- Danforth Nicholas, Senior Financial Officer, DMSE
- Ned Wolfe, Marketing and Communications Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Kendall Dawson, Access Services Associate, MIT Libraries
- Erica, Library Access Services Associate, MIT Libraries
- Anonymous Staff
- Stacey Lantz, Program Manager, Women’s and Gender Studies
- Anonymous Staff
- Elanienne Coste, Library Assistant, IDLA
- Claire Berman, Librarian for Mechanical Engineering, MIT Libraries
- Maddie, Administrative Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Lara Day, Library Associate, MIT Libraries
- Anonymous Staff
- Matt Bernhardt, Senior Web Developer, MIT Libraries
- Anonymous Staff
- Anonymous Staff
- Amy Smith, Founding Director, D-Lab
- Olivia De Lisle, Library Scanning and Access Services Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Simon K. Wolfe, Collections Assistant, MIT Museums
- Galen March, Access Services Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Palak Patel, Internal Communications Coordinator, MIT Libraries
- Ken Urban, Senior Lecturer and Director of Dramatic Writing, Music and Theater Arts
- Robin Celikates, Visiting Scholar (Professor of Philosophy, FU Berlin), Linguistics and Philosophy
- Jad Kabbara, Research Scientist, Media Lab
- J. Yolande Daniels, Associate Professor, SA+P
- Anna Beltramini, Research Technician, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Lukas Metzner, Technical Associate, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Hannah Cross, Administrative Assistant, Chemical Engineering
- Anonymous Graduate Student
- Hanna Flores, Graduate Worker, Biology
- Naomh Fairweather, Administrative Assistant II, ChemE
- Vanmey Ma, Program Assistant, WGS
- Ryan Burrow, Associate Technical Staff, Lincoln Lab
- Rebekah Oden, Access Services Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Natalie Rusk, Research Scientist, MAS
- Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Research Affiliate, STS
- Dina M. Asfaha, Post-doctoral Associate, Anthro
- Drew Story, Managing Director, MIT Policy Lab
- Jeremy Rossen, Senior Program Coordinator, IDSS
- Lori Breslow, Senior Lecturer, Sloan
- Anne Whiston Spirn, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Urban Studies and Planning
- Sam Stuewe, CBDC Software Engineer, MIT Media Lab – MIT DCI
- Naomi Scheman, Research Associate, Philosophy
- Richard Solomon, Political Science
- Christopher Cummins, Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry
- Ahmad Zakka, Instructor, D-Lab
- H. Azzouz, Graduate Student, EECS
- Christina Couch, Lecturer, CMS/W
- Ece turnator, Librarian, MIT Libraries
- Caroline White-Nockleby, PhD candidate, HASTS
- Alona Bach, PhD candidate, HASTS
- James McKeon, Administrative Assistant, IMES
- Maria Segala, Data, Reporting, and Grants Administrator, Jameel World Education Lab, Open Learning
- J. Darcy Duke, Head, UX and Web Services, Head, UX and Web Services
- Julia Menzel, PhD candidate, HASTS
- Anthony Zannino, Assistant Editor, MIT Press
- Malerie Lovejoy, Acquisitions Assistant, MIT Press
- Isabelle Bitman, Program Administrator, MISTI
- Carrie Norman, Assistant Professor, Architecture
- Cherry Ibrahim, HR Generalist, MIT Libraries
- Jake Lewis, Access Services Associate, MIT Libraries
- Cadence Seeger, Financial Assistant III, DMSE
- Aya Ross, Administrative Assistant, MIT Libraries
- Marge Encomienda, Senior Designer, MIT Press
- Yekaterina Sokol, Reporting & Data Analyst, VPR
- Timothy Loh, PhD candidate, HASTS
- Nadia Christidi, PhD candidate, HASTS
- Kirsten Levandowski, Affiliate, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Naomi Scheman, Research Associate, Philosophy and Linguistics
- David Olsen, Publicist, MIT Press
- Victoria Beja-Glasser, Postdoctoral Fellow, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Anonymous, Access Services Assistant, Libraries
- Mary Jane Daly, Lecturer, Professional Development Director, Department of Urban Studies & Planning
- Nicholas Farmer, Administrative Assistant, NSE
- Anonymous Staff
- Anna Gibson, Postdoctoral Associate, CMS/W
- Alejandra Villa, Admin Staff
- Emma Noble Smith, J-PAL
- Leah Coughlan, Development Associate, Resource Development
- Anonymous Staff, MIT Division of Comparative Medicine
- Lily Chung, Grad Student, EECS
- Gabriela Diaz Quinones, Program Assistant, MISTI
- Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze, Lecturer II, WRAP/CMSW
- Jacques Klapisch, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Alumni Association
- Anonymous Research Technician, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Anonymous Staff, MIT Sloan Executive Education
- Elizabeth Nelson, Technical Associate, Koch Institute
- Nicole Lindsay-Mosher, Post-Doc, Biology
- Boyd Ruamcharoen, PhD Candidate, HASTS
- Anonymous, AA2 CEE
- Rachel Van Unen, Archival Processing Manager, MIT Libraries
- Anonymous Staff
- Nada El-Alami, ORSEL
- Vanmey Ma, Program Assistant, Women’s and Gender Studies
- Gregory Kahanamoku-Meyer, Postdoctoral Associate, RLE
- Rupal Jain, Senior Manager of Creative Learning, Media Lab
- Dan Sweeney, Lecturer, D-Lab
- Laura Anderson Barbata, Lecturer, ACT
- Julia Lanigan, Acquisitions Associate, Libraries
- Ruthann Thomas, Associate Director of Teaching + Learning, Teaching + Learning Lab
- Adelaide Zollinger, Director of Communications, Morningside Academy of Design
- Erica, Library Access Services Associate, MIT Libraries
- Robert C Berwick, Professor of Computer Science, EECS
- Marion Cunningham, Associate Director Administration, Morningside Academy for Design
- Adam Patch, Computer/Data Scientist, Koch Institute
- Malick Ghachem, Professor, History
- Alexandria Wilde, Visitor Experience, MIT Museum
- Sita Costello, Program assistant for personal & professional development programs, OME
- Daniel Estandian, Alumni, Brain and Cognitive Science
- Vivishek Sudhir, Class of 1957 Career Development Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Bianca Lepe, Biological Engineering
- J. Yolande Daniels, Associate Professor, SA&P
- Greg M. Epstein, Humanist Chaplain at MIT, ORSEL
- Matthew Browne, Acquisitions Editor, MIT Press
- Xinghui Yin, Research Scientist, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Clifton G. Fonstad, Emeritus Professor, EECS
- Brian Neltner, Technical Instructor, DMSE
- Julia Ortony, Visiting Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- ShanTil Yell, Administrative Assistant, DMSE
- Marine Bender, Financial Coordinator I, DMSE
- Ryan Kendall, Sr. Administrative Assistant, DMSE
- Rhea Vedro, Technical Instructor & Artist in Residence, DMSE
updated 5/24, 12:30pm