What is this? What is CampusPress?
CampusPress is a WordPress hosting service purchased by IS&T and intended as a place for the MIT community to design and publish web sites.
How do I get help with my site?
The hosting service for Sites, CampusPress, provides extensive documentation for site designers and administrators. Their documentation is available here.
If you have questions that cannot be answered in the Documentation, you can open a support ticket directly with CampusPress through their support page here. The IS&T Help Desk will not be able to assist with issues with your site.
Note that IS&T cannot assist you with designing or troubleshooting your site.
How can my site be accessed?
Once created, your site can be visited at https://sites.mit.edu/yoursitesname. User authentication is handled via touchstone.
To edit your site, you will need to log in to the Dashboard at https://sites.mit.edu/yoursitesname/admin.
Site Management
What if I want my site to have a full domain name?
More information on custom domain names is available here.
How long will my site exist after I graduate/leave MIT?
Your site will exist as long as one Administrator on the site is still an active member of the community. If there are no active Administrators on the site, it will be subject to deletion.
I’d like to use a theme or plugin that is not included in the list. How can I install it?
If there is some functionality you require that is not met by the exiting themes or plugins, please reach out to CampusPress with their webform here. CampusPress will review your request and determine if the plugin is acceptable in our environment.
You can find a full list of currently available plugins here.
I deleted my site! How can I get it back?
If you mistakenly deleted your site, or later decide you need it back, it can be recovered by an administrator. Submit a request to campuspress-support@mit.edu including the name of the site.
I made a mistake on my site! Can I get it restored to a previous state?
There is no way to restore your entire site to a previous state. Some editing tools, such as the page editor, allow you to revert to previous revisions.
Why isn’t my site showing up in Google search results?
For privacy reasons all new sites are configured to discourage search engines from indexing content. If you would like to allow search engines such as Google to index your site, go to your site dashboard. Under Settings -> Reading, change the Site Visibility setting to “Allow search engines to index this site”. It may take a few days for your site to start showing up in search results.
Content Management
How do I invite contributors to join my site?
Instructions on how to invite users to your MIT Site is available here.
How can I restrict access to some portion of my site?
Full instructions on restricting page access are available here.
How can I use my site to collect fees and other purchases?
MIT Sites supports eCommerce integrations through CyberSource and Stripe. Instructions on how to set up eCommerce on your site is available here.
How can I add custom HTML or Custom CSS to my site?
Instructions on how to add custom HTML and CSS to your site is available here.
How can I add a form to my site to collect information from site visitors?
Instructions on how to add forms to your MIT Site is available here.
How do I add a list of scholarly publications to my site?
Instructions on how to add publications to your MIT Site is available here.