*Thursday, March 13, 2025

MIT Museum After Dark: Artfinity, 6-9 PM @ MIT Museum

If you are in Cambridge ahead of the Colloquium, we encourage you to check out the After Dark series at the MIT Museum! The event will feature hands-on demonstrations, art making, and live music and present an opportunity to explore the projects of two Architecture faculty: Rania Ghosn’s exhibition Cosmograph: Speculative Fictions for the New Space Age and Azra Akšamija’s Hallucinating Traditions.

As part of the MIT Artfinity Festival of the Arts, this iteration of After Dark is free to the public. Registration is not required.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Day 1

REGISTRATION | 9:30 – 10:00 AM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

SESSION 1 | 10:00 – 11:15 AM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

  • James Heard (Columbia University) and Iris Giannakopoulou Karamouzi (Yale University), “Uncertain Traces: Reconstructing Architectural History Through Declassified Archives”
  • Qingyun Lin (University of Toronto), “Navigating Uncertainty: The Boat People and the Living Archive of the Pearl River Delta”
  • Hayri Dortdivanlioglu, Ph.D.(Society of Fellows, Dartmouth College), “Unraveling Certainty: The Method of [Re]weaving Uncertainty in Vitruvian Theory”

Discussant: Mark Jarzombek, Professor of the History and Theory of Architecture, HTC

SESSION 2 | 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429

  • Sophie Hass (Columbia University), “Preserving an Uncertain Pigment: Haint Blue in the Architecture of the American South”
  • Monica Hutton (Toronto Metropolitan University), “Forever Sus”
  • Asya Uzmay (Cornell University), “Uncertainty as a Method of Production, Construction, and Dwelling in Akçaalan”

Discussant: Hampton Smith, PhD Candidate, HTC

LUNCH | 1:00 – 2:00 PM

UNCERTAINTY ROUNDTABLE | 2:00 – 5:00 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)
The roundtable offers space for invited scholars and colloquium attendees to collectively probe uncertainty as a (pre)condition for the humanities and to share strategies for conceptualizing, carrying out, and sharing our work.

The event will begin with a one-hour panel with invited scholars, curators, and publishers before moving into breakout groups for further conversation involving all attendees. We invite audience members to be active collaborators in the roundtable, recognizing the unique forms of expertise and experience they bring to these group discussions.

Our featured panelists are:

  • Janice Audet, Editorial Director, MIT Press
  • Jonathan Duval, Assistant Curator of Architecture & Design, MIT Museum
  • Louis P. Nelson, Professor of Architectural History and Vice Provost for Academic Outreach, University of Virginia
  • Pollyanna Rhee, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and History, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Alice Y. Tseng, Professor of Japanese Art & Architecture and Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Humanities, Boston University

Moderator: Caroline Murphy, Clarence H. Blackall Career Development Assistant Professor, HTC

RECEPTION | 5:30 – 6:30 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

Saturday, March 15, 2025


SESSION 3 | 10:00 – 11:15 AM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

  • Zhijian Sun (National University of Singapore), “Cooling the Uncertain Tropics: Thermal Techno-Politics of China’s Two Tropical Architectures in Maoist Guangzhou and Ujamaa-Era Tanzania, 1955-76″
  • Kyle Stover, Ph.D. (Montana State University), “Rural Problems”
  • Jiaqi Wang (Yale University), “Comprehending the Flow: ‘Systems Theory’ in the Three Gorges Debate, 1985-1992”

Discussant: Samuel Dubois, PhD Candidate, HTC

SESSION 4 | 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

  • Angelika Joseph (Princeton University), “Constructing an Uncertain Settler-Colonial Present: Nation Building at the Wounded Knee Massacre Site (1973)”
  • Sarp Tanrıdağ (UCLA), “Legal Uncertainty and the Reclamation of Marshlands: Village Communities and Migrant Settlements in the Late 19th-Century Ottoman Empire”
  • Alberto Martinez Garcia (Yale University), “Historic Assemblages: Spanish Domestic Architecture in Cartagena, Colombia”

Discussant: Dina Taha, PhD Student, HTC

LUNCH | 1:00 – 2:00 PM

SESSION 5 | 2:00 – 3:15 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

  • Carrie Bly (Princeton University), “The ‘Great Balance Wheel’ of Economy: Transforming the US Building Industry, 1921-1933”
  • Diego Cerna Aragon (MIT), “Safeguarding uncertain fictions: Comparing measures of investment risk containment in the mining sectors of Chile and Peru (1968-1983)”
  • Alex Whee Kim (Yale University), “‘Third World’ Pedagogy, Strategic Gaming, and the Rise of Crisis Management in the ‘Human Settlements Managers Training Programme,’ 1976-1982”

Discussant: Maia Simon, PhD Student, HTC

SESSION 6 | 3:45 – 5:00 PM @ Long Lounge (MIT 7-429)

  • Xhulio Binjaku (Princeton University), “Unnatural Contours”
  • Danielle Canter (University of Delaware), “Against Reproduction: Monotype in 19th Century France”
  • michelle liu (Carleton University), “Alchemy as Critique”

Discussant: Timothy Hyde, Professor and Associate Department Head, MIT Department of Architecture