- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ph.D. Chemistry. 2019 – 2024
- Advisor: Mircea Dincă
- Thesis: Tailoring Metal–Organic Frameworks for Water Harvesting
- California Institute of Technology
- B.S. Chemistry. 2015 – 2019
- Advisor: William A. Goddard III
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Highlighted Papers
1) Isoreticular Curves: A Theory of Capillary Condensation To Model Water Sorption within Microporous Sorbents.
Oppenheim, J.J.; Dincă, M.; JACS. 2024.
2) Isolation of a Side-On V(III)-(η2-O2) through the Intermediacy of a Low-Valent V(II) in a Metal–Organic Framework.
Oppenheim, J.J.; Bagi, S.; Chen, T.; Sun, C.; Yang, L.; Müller, P.; Román-Leshkov, Y.; Dincă, M.; Inorg. Chem. 2021.

3) Divergent Adsorption Behavior Controlled by Primary Coordination Sphere Anions in the Metal–Organic Framework Ni2X2BTDD
Oppenheim, J.J.; Mancuso, J.L.; Wright, A.M.; Rieth, A.J.; Hendon, C.H.; Dincă, M.; JACS 2021, 143 (40), 16343-16347.

4) Conceptual and Practical Aspects of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Solid–Gas Reactions
Iliescu, A.*; Oppenheim, J.J.*; Sun, C.*; Dincǎ, M.; Chem. Rev. 2023,
*Co-first author