Wang, Shimin, Xiangyu Meng, Hongwei Zhang, and Frank L. Lewis. “Learning nonlinear dynamics in synchronization of knowledge-based leader-following networks.”Automatica, Accepted, 2024.
Tao Liu, Shimin Wang, Jie Huang. “An Adaptive Distributed Observer for A Class of Uncertain Linear Leader Systems over Jointly Connected Switching Networks and Its Application.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Accepted as Full Paper, 2024.
Shimin Wang and Martin Guay. “Distributed State Estimation for Jointly Observable Linear Systems over Time-varying Networks.” Automatica, Regular Paper, Volume 163, 111564, (2024).
Shimin Wang, Ya-Jun Pan, and Martin Guay. “Distributed State Estimation for Linear Time-invariant Systems with Aperiodic Sampled Measurement.” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TCNS.2024.3355041,2024.
Dong Liang, Martin Guay and Shimin Wang. “Nonlinear Bipartite Output Regulation with Application to Turing Pattern.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.15677 (2023).
Shimin Wang, Martin Guay and Dabo Xu.”Extremum Seeking Nonlinear Regulator with Concurrent Uncertainties in Exosystems and Control Directions .”arXiv preprint, arXiv:2304.07106.
Shimin Wang, Zhan Shu, Tongwen Chen, Zhiyong Chen, “Periodic Event-based Robust Output Regulation for a Class of Uncertain Linear Systems with Inter-event Analysis,” Automatica, 151 (2023): 110899.
Simin Jiang, Tianlu Pan, Renxin Zhong, Can Chen, Xin’an Li and Shimin Wang, “Coordination of Mixed Platoons and Eco-driving Strategy for a Signal-free Intersection”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3211934, 2022.
Meng, Yihan, Shimin Wang, and Hongwei Zhang, “Leaderless output sign consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over signed graphs”, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.6381, 2022.
Shimin Wang, Hongwei Zhang, and Zhiyong Chen . “Adaptive Cooperative Tracking and Parameter Estimation of an Uncertain Leader over General Directed Graphs .” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2022.3197670, FUll Paper, 2022.
Wang, Shimin, Hongwei Zhang, Simone Baldi, and Renxin Zhong. “Leaderless Consensus of Heterogeneous Multiple Euler-Lagrange Systems with Unknown Disturbance.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2022.3172594, 2022.
Jiang, Shimin, Shimin Wang, Zhi Zhan, Yuanqing Wu, LAM Hing Keung William, and Renxin Zhong “Containment Control of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems with Application to Escort Control of Multiple Vehicles.” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 32:6913–6938, 2022.
Shimin, Wang, Zhan, Shu, and Tongwen, Chen, “Distributed Time- and Event-Triggered Observers for Linear Systems: Non-Pathological Sampling and Inter-Event Dynamics.” arXiv preprint,, 2021.
Shimin, Wang, Zhan, Shu, and Tongwen, Chen, “Event-Triggered Attitude Synchronization of Multiple Rigid-Body Systems.” Systems and Control Letters, 104879, vol.149, 2021.
Shimin, Wang, and Xiangyu Meng. “Adaptive Consensus and Parameter Estimation of Multi-Agent Systems with An Uncertain Leader” , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(9):4393-400, 2021.
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. “Cooperative output regulation of linear multi-agent systems subject to an uncertain leader system.” International Journal of Control, 94(4):952-960, 2021.
Zhi Zhan, Shimin Wang, Tianlu Pan, Peng Chen, William H.K. LAM, Renxin Zhong and Yu Han. ”Stabilizing vehicular platoons mixed with regular human-piloted vehicles: an input-to-state string stability approach” , Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 9(1): 569–594, 2021.
Shimin Wang and Jie Huang, ”Adaptive Distributed Observer for an Uncertain Leader with an Unknown Output over Directed Acyclic Graphs ”, International Journal of Control, 94(12): 3424-3432, 2021.
Shimin Wang, Zhi Zhan, Renxin Zhong, Yuanqing Wu and Zhouhua Peng, ”Adaptive Distributed Observer Design for Containment Control of Heterogeneous Discrete-time Swarm System”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 33(11): 2898-2906, 2020.
ZHANG, Y., Dan, W.A.N.G., Zhouhua, P.E.N.G., Lu, L.I.U. and Shimin, W.A.N.G., “Event-triggered control for containment maneuvering of second-order MIMO multi-agent systems with unmatched uncertainties and disturbances. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 33(11): 2959-2971, 2020.
Deng, M., Meng, T., Cao, J., Wang, S., Zhang, J., & Fan, H. “Heart sound classification based on improved MFCC features and convolutional recurrent neural networks”. Neural Networks, 130, 22-32, 2020.
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. “Adaptive Leader-following Consensus for Multiple Euler–Lagrange Systems with an Uncertain Leader System.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 30(7): 2188-2196, 2019.
Cong, Y., Feng, Z., Song, H., & Wang, S. Containment control of singular heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355(11):4629-4643, 2018.
Shimin, Wang, and Jie Huang. “Cooperative output regulation of singular multi-agent systems under switching network by standard reduction.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 65(4): 1377-1385, 2017.
Mingyu, Fu, Shimin Wang, and Yirui Cong. “Swarm stability analysis of high-order linear time-invariant singular multiagent systems.” Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (2013).