silt, a student magazine, presents:

this semester’s issue of Silt Magazine, entwined: us & the land, aims to explore how humans relate to and interact with land. how do you consider land as a person, practitioner, observer, artist? how did you think of land as a child? can we challenge how we manage land? how we assign ownership? how we modify nature? we are interested in any and all work related to land-based system—anything from transportation to sculpture to gardening (and everything in between).
this is an open call. potential contributors are encouraged to submit whether their work is explicitly connected to land or not. we want to hear from you!
please send submissions (with the subject line “FALL24 SUBMISSION”) and any questions to
Silt Magazine welcomes all mediums and will feature accepted work both in print and online. print issues for our inaugural issue HOME / NOT HOME can be found in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and here.