MIT Consortium
United4Knowledge: Ukraine
An MIT consortium of organizations, foundations, and individual donors, which provides opportunities to:
• CONNECT with the best talent in Ukraine and MIT and enhance the Ukrainian scholarly ecosystem
• ADVANCE scientific knowledge, build a better world, and work to the mutual benefit of consortium members and Ukrainian scholars
• COMBAT brain drain by enabling Ukrainians to perform collaborative research and connect with MIT and the Consortium members
Solar-thermal energy harvesting
Kharkiv suffers power outages after Russian attacks damaged all the power plants in the region. Support development of solar-thermal power systems to help heat research buildings where experiments are still running
Polymer engineering for solid-state heating/refrigeration
Support a pilot project that utilizes unique equipment in Ukraine to improve MIT-engineered polymer fibers to replace HVAC technology with a high-efficiency sustainable solid-state alternative
Hydrogel engineering for healthcare & atmospheric water collection
Hydrogels with engineered moisture transport and toughness are needed for medical research and fresh water harvesting technologies. Pilot projects with Ukrainian start-ups need help to advance this important research
Become U4K:Ukraine ambassador
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