Course details
Description: This course focuses on advanced topics in spectral theory, partial differential equations (PDEs), and harmonic analysis. Possible subjects include the geometry of Laplace eigenfunctions and their zero sets, monotonicity formulas, harmonic measure estimates, methods of complex analysis, and quantitative unique continuation. Additional topics, such as quasiconformal mappings may be covered if time permits.
Grading: Based on homework assignments.
Prerequisites: This is graduate level course. Knowledge of measure theory, complex analysis and functional analysis is necessary. Optional: 18.155
Contact and other information
Instructor: Aleksandr Logunov,
Time and Location: MW 1:00-2:30, 2-147
Office hours: Tuesday 1:30-2:30, 2-478 + by appointment
TA: TBA TA’s office hours: TBA
Course materials
There is no official textbook! Some topics will follow
Lecture notes, reading instructions and announcements will be posted on Canvas