
I’m RareČ™, a fourth-year PhD candidate at the Operations Research Center at MIT, and I am delighted to be advised by Professor Georgia Perakis.

Research Focus

At the core of my research lies the exploration of novel algorithms and optimization techniques to address the intricate challenges that emerge in today’s interconnected world at the intersection of machine learning and optimization. My work aims to bridge the gap between theoretical advancements and practical implementations to improve decision-making.

Featured Projects

ProjectNet: Fast End-to-End Learning

The true measure of a learning model’s quality lies in the tangible impact of the decisions it influences, particularly in the context of downstream optimization/decision-making tasks.

We introduce ProjectNet, a method to computationally-efficiently integrate the prediction and optimization stages together.

Accepted AAAI 2023

Discretization for Robust Optimization

Robustness to uncertainty is a crucial property in real-world decision-making which builds trust when faced with high-risk scenarios.

We provide a novel framework based on discretizing the feasible region aimed at minimizing expected cost as well as being robust and protect against worst
case scenarios.

Accepted ICLR 2024

Learning under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty

The decisions one takes can often affect the outcome observed. How can we effectively learn to make decisions when there are no ground-truth counterfactual observations?

We tackle this problem by constructing uncertainty sets over the space of ML models and present efficient algorithms to optimize over these sets.

Submitted ICML 2024