The Subcommittee on Federal Affairs is responsible for all matters related to the federal government of the United States that are relevant to the GSC platform or welfare of MIT graduate students. This includes keeping up with legislation, regulations, administrative actions, etc.
The Federal Affairs subcommittee organizes at least one trip to Washington D.C. every semester, and attendees are selected from a mix of current active EAB members who are experienced in advocacy as well as new members with an interest in advocacy.
Federal Affairs has several ongoing projects at any time. A selection of current priorities are listed below. This is not an exhaustive list, and we are always open to new members interested in issues not listed here- if it’s covered by the GSC Policy Platform we’ll work with you on it!
Current priorities
- International student issues
- Mental health and mentoring
- Stipends and cost-of-living
Co-chairs: Ippolyti Dellatolas, Suryateja Jammalamadaka
Email: gsc-eab-fed@mit.edu